"As long as we have faith in our own cause and an

  unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us."

                                                                  - Winston Churchill

About me

Hello! I am Gaurav Khandelwal, an undergraduate in Computer Science and Engineering (Bachelor's Degree).

I am a developer at heart. I love building things with code. I enjoy learning about computer systems and appreciate the complexities involved in building and deploying software.

Having tried my hands on competitive programming, I know the need for writing efficient codes. For me, algorithms are like poetry. Well constructed algorithms have a symphony in their design principles and underlying working mechanism. Off late, I have been enchanted with Machine Learning.

I know the importance of latest tools and always try to keep myself updated with latest technologies and concepts. I support opensource software. Thus, frequently contributing to Github.

My projects


Client Server Messenger

Send and receive messages using sockets.



Robotic Path Automation

Solves the problem of global path planning for a robot in the static environment.


Blog and Quotes

I don't usually blog here as such. I am more of a reader than a writer but I write on Quora in my leisure time.

Nevertheless, if you are looking out for some motivation, here are some quotes that I find I can relate to the most.

In the midst of winter, I finally realized there lay within me an invincible summer. - Camus

There will come a time when you believe everything is finished.That will be the beginning. - Louis L'Amour

I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. - A couplet from Invictus


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